
As every year at the end of September the city celebrates its big fiesta known as La Mercè. Several days of music, sports, art, performances, light shows, fireworks, traditional events...and yes, big time crowds everywhere.

6 comentarios:

  1. i love all your photos
    keep up the great work

  2. Well, my friends, the time has come
    To raise the roof and have some fun
    Throw away the work to be done
    Let the music play on....
    Everybody sing, everybody dance
    Lose yourself in wild romance
    We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing along!
    We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing along!

    All night long (all night), All night
    All night long (all night), All night
    All night long (all night), All night
    All night long! (all night), Ooh, yeah

    People dancing all in the street
    See the rhythm all in their feet
    Life is good, wild and sweet
    Let the music play on...
    Feel it in your heart and feel it in your soul
    Let the music take control
    We're going to Party, Liming, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing along
    We're going to Party, Liming, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing my song!

    All night long (all night), oooh,
    All night long (all night), yeah,
    All night long (all night), yeah,
    All night long (all night)...

    Yeah, once you get started you can't sit down
    Come join the fun, it's a merry-go-round
    Everyone's dancing their troubles away
    Come join our party, See how we play!

    Tam bo li de say de moi ya
    Hey Jambo Jumbo
    Way to parti o we goin'
    Oh, jambali
    Tam bo li de say de moi ya
    Yeah, Jambo, jumbo

    Oh, O, O, O, yes
    We're going to have a party!

    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night)...(ugh)

    We're going to Party, Kalamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing along!
    We're going to Party, Kalamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and sing my song!

    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night), All night,
    All night long (all night)

    Everyone you meet
    They're jamming in the street
    All night long!
    Yeah, I said,
    Everyone you meet
    They're jamming in the street
    All night long!
    Feel good! Feel good!

  3. How lucky is Lady Barcelona to have such wonderful shy paparazzo extracting so much beauty of their daily life.
    Baby Barcelona, you are truly gifted.

  4. ¡la penúltima foto es una pasada!
    y estoy de acuerdo con Sense and Sensibility sobre la suerte que tenemos de que hagas foto tan espectaculares de Barcelona. ;)
    te dejo mi mail por si me mandas la foto de la moto, me haría mucha ilusión!
    un besín!

  5. oh là là !

    unas fotos que quitan el sentio !

  6. benosmal, que almenos tú consigues sacar este lado bonito de las fiestas de la mercé que los barceloneses tanto rechazamos...jejeje
